البحوث المنشورة

البحوث المنشورة من قبل تدريسي كلية العلوم للسنة 2020
كلية العلوم
اسم الباحث عنوان البحث اسم المجلة سنة النشر رقم المجلد
- أ.م. عمر عدنان خماس مطر العزاوي
الفقر والبطالبة في العراق وسبل معالجتها في ضوء الشريعة الاسلامية مجله كليه الامام الاعظم 2020
- م.م. اسيل باسم صبري
Data base of Corona Virus (COVID19) cases in Iraq till 2nd of April 2020 www.researchgate.net/deref/http%3A%2F%2Fdx.doi.org%2F10.13140%2FRG.2.2.20487.34729?_sg%5B0%5D=CHH1a0d245Uqpj_Q14v8jGyNB-nerXArajjW1rXXVaGhpdpZzOcdojaKtw3mhZYeJu8oOqN1DLmX2XXZhtjSHP8P0g.5byBbs4I2Du3cElY9LEcJp3dFzozFB9afxNGEowxCvdsPfJi2CVdYMLiU 2020
قسم الفيزياء
اسم الباحث عنوان البحث اسم المجلة سنة النشر رقم المجلد
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
Optical properties enhancement of hybrid nanocomposites thin films based on P3HT matrix and ZnO@SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles Optical Materials 2020 102
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
Comparative study of erosion wear of glass fiber/epoxy composite reinforced with Al2O3 nano and micro particles Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 20
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
Dielectric properties of poly-(3-octylthiophene) thin films mixed with oleic acid capped cadmium selenide nanoparticles RSC Advances 2020 10
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
Production of Self-Cleaning SiO2/CNT Nanoparticles Substituted Cement Mortar Engineering and Technology Journal 2020 38
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
Fabrication green concrete by Recycled wastepaper IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 870
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
Recycling wastepaper papercrete to produce green concrete IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 870
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
The behavior of Fowler-Nordheim plot from carbon nanotubes-based large area field emitters arrays Ultramicroscopy 2020 218
- أ.د. خالد عباس يحيى
Operational characteristics of disc and spherical cathode electrodes in dc plasma discharge IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 871
- أ.د. خالد عباس يحيى
Effects of a cathode fall region on deposition rate of copper atoms in Dc plasma sputtering source Physica scripta 2020 96
- أ.د. عدي علي حسين
Simulation and Optimization of the Optical Properties of an Einzel lens Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 1530
- أ.د. عماد خضير عباس الشكرجي
The Effect of Gold Salt Concentration in the Production of Gold Nanospheres Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 2020 8
- أ.د. عماد خضير عباس الشكرجي
The Conductivity Mechanism in an Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O High-T c Superconductor Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 2020 33
- أ.د. كريم خلف محمد الجبوري
Dose Natural Radioactivity in Underground Waters in Tallafar Distract In Iraq Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Applications An International Journal 2020 5
- أ.د. كريم خلف محمد الجبوري
Natural Radioactivity in Underground Waters In Tallafar Distract In Iraq IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 928
- أ.د. كريم خلف محمد الجبوري
Simulation Design of hybrid system (Grid/PV/Wind Turbine/ battery/diesel) with applying HOMER:A case studying Bgghdad, Iraq SSRG-IJECE 2020 7
- أ.د. ليث عبد العزيز عباس ظاهر العاني
Classification Performance of TM Satellite Images Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- أ.م.د. جزيل حسين عزيز القرةغولي
Derivation of a new multiscale model: II. Deriving a modified Hall-Petch relation from the multiscale model and testing it for nano, micro, and macro materials IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 881
- أ.م.د. جزيل حسين عزيز القرةغولي
Derivation of a new multiscale model: I. Derivation of the model for the atomic, molecular and nano material scales Indian Journal of Physics 2020
- أ.م.د. زينب منذر يونس
PSPICE modelling of a photovoltaic system with a single phase voltage cancellation inverter J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1530 012131 2020 1530
- أ.م.د. زينب منذر يونس
Computer Simulation of MPPT Converter to Control PV Panel-Battery System 2nd International Scientific Conference of Al-Ayen University (ISCAU-2020 2020 928
- أ.م.د. زينب منذر يونس
Design and Simulation of Lead-Acid Battery Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- أ.م.د. سديم عباس فاضل وهيب القصاب
Derivation of a new multiscale model: II. Deriving a modified Hall-Petch relation from the multiscale model and testing it for nano, micro, and macro materials IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 881
- أ.م.د. سديم عباس فاضل وهيب القصاب
Derivation of a new multiscale model: I. Derivation of the model for the atomic, molecular and nano material scales Indian Journal of Physics 2020
- أ.م.د. هند صبحي حسين محمد الراوي
- أ.م.د. هند صبحي حسين محمد الراوي
Magneto-optical sensor based on the bandgap effect of a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber injected with Fe3O4 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 871
- أ.م.د. هند صبحي حسين محمد الراوي
Design of a Magnetic-Sensor Based on Fe3O4 Nanofluid Infiltration Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- أ.م.د. وسن علي موسى
Structural, morphological and optical properties of spray pyrolysis TiO2:GO nano films IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020
- م. رؤى تحسين عبد الله
Simulation and Optimization of the Optical Properties of an Einzel lens Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 1530
- م. عصام محمد رشيد
Measurements of the natural radioactivity from Baghdad city soils using NaI (TI) detector IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 745
- م. عصام محمد رشيد
Measurement of Natural Radioactivity from Babel City Soil Samples Using an NaI(Tl) Detector 2020 11
- م.د. غفران محمد جسام
Fabrication of a chemical sensor based on surface plasmon resonance via plastic optical fiber Iraqi Journal of Science 2020 Vol 61
- م.م. سارة مصطفى إبراهيم
Study on the contact angle, adhesion strength, and antibacterial activity of polymer/cement composites for waterproof coating Iraqi Journal of Science 2020 61
- م.م.د. فاطمة مقداد احمد
The DC electrical conductivity of prepared pure polypyrrole and polypyrrole /graphene (PPY/GN) nanocomposite by in-situ polymerization Iraqi journal of physics 2020 18
قسم علوم الحاسوب
اسم الباحث عنوان البحث اسم المجلة سنة النشر رقم المجلد
- أ.د. بان نديم ذنون يونس الكلاك
Color Model Based Convolutional Neural Network for Image Spam Classification Al-Nahrain Journal of Science ANJS 2020 23
- أ.د. بان نديم ذنون يونس الكلاك
Anomaly Detection Approach Based on Deep Neural Network and Dropout Baghdad Science Journal 2020 17
- أ.د. بان نديم ذنون يونس الكلاك
Keynote Speaker: Information Technology against COVID-19 2020 1st. Information Technology To Enhance e-learning and Other Application (IT-ELA 2020
- أ.د. بان نديم ذنون يونس الكلاك
Explicit feedback based movie recommendation system: A survey AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2290
- أ.د. عبد الكريم مرهج راضي
DIGITAL CYBER FORENSICS CONTRIBUTION FOR EMAIL ANALYSIS Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development 2020 24
- أ.د. عبد الكريم مرهج راضي
Optimization of energy consumption and thermal comfort for intelligent building management system using genetic algorithm Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2020 20
- أ.د. عبد الكريم مرهج راضي
Risk assessment optimization for decision support using intelligent model based on fuzzy inference renewable rules Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2020 19
- أ.د. عبد الكريم مرهج راضي
- أ.د. محمد صاحب مهدي صالح الطائي
Brain Tumor Diagnosis Using MR Image Processing Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- أ.د. محمد صاحب مهدي صالح الطائي
Brain tumor detection and classification using SIFT in MRI images AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2292
- أ.م. زهراء عبد الحسين جعاز
Database techniques for resilient network monitoring and inspection TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control 2020 18
- أ.م. زهراء عبد الحسين جعاز
Practical application of IOT and its implications on the existing software 2020 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Informatics (EECSI) 2020
- أ.م. زهراء عبد الحسين جعاز
Evolution in image steganography; an efficacious route for handling areas of colour noise in digital photography Solid State Technology 2020 63
- أ.م.د. زينب نعمة عبدالله السلطاني
Explicit feedback based movie recommendation system: A survey AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2290
- أ.م.د. سهاد عبد الرحمن يوسف
Texture images analysis using fractal extracted attributes International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Contro 2020 16
- أ.م.د. سهاد عبد الرحمن يوسف
Fake News Classification Using Random Forest and Decision Tree (J48) Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- م. فرح سعد عزالدين المختار
Encryption and Steganography a secret data using circle shapes in colored images Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 1591
- م. فرح سعد عزالدين المختار
Encrypt Audio File using Speech Audio File As a key IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 928
- م. نجوان عبد حسن ابراهيم الكروي
Encrypt Audio File using Speech Audio File As a key IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 928
- م.د. جمال محمد كاظم علي العيثاوي
Security of Wireless Sensor Nodes Iraqi Journal of Science 2020
- م.د. حسناء عماد عبد السلام الشيخلي
Utilizing Machine Learning Models to Predict the Car Crash Injury Severity among Elderly Drivers 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT) 2020
- م.د. سوسن كمال ثامر
Image Retrieval Using Data Mining Technique Iraqi Journal of Science 2020
- م.د. سوسن كمال ثامر
Cloud based industrial file handling and duplication removal using source based deduplication technique AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2292
- م.د. طيبه زكي عبد الحميد
How Understanding Your Students Can Impact the Learning Outcomes STEM Instructional Graduate Teaching Assistant Posters 2020
- م.د. طيبه زكي عبد الحميد
Cross Language Information Transfer Between Modern Standard Arabic and Its Dialects–a Framework for Automatic Speech Recognition System Language Model 2020
- م.د. طيبه زكي عبد الحميد
How Understanding Your Students Can Impact the Learning Outcomes https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/stem-gta-posters/9/ 2020
- م.د. طيبه زكي عبد الحميد
Investigating the Male and Older People Susceptibility to Death from (COVID-19) Using Statistical Models Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics 2020 11
- م.د. طيبه زكي عبد الحميد
Utilizing Machine Learning Models to Predict the Car Crash Injury Severity among Elderly Drivers 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT) 2020
- م.م. اسراء حسين علي
Encrypt Audio File using Speech Audio File As a key IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 928
قسم الكيمياء
اسم الباحث عنوان البحث اسم المجلة سنة النشر رقم المجلد
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Inhibition of Corrosion: Mechanisms and Classifications an Overview Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science 2020
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Protection of poly (vinyl chloride) films against photodegradation using various valsartan tin complexes Polymers 2020 12
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Studies on the Photostability of Polystyrene Films with New Metals Complex of 1, 2, 4-triazole-3-thione Derivate Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 2020 11
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Influence of Polyphosphates on the Physicochemical Properties of Poly (Vinyl Chloride) after Irradiation with Ultraviolet Light Polymers 2020 12
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Ice rock-resembling PHB thin films doped with TiO 2 NPs as photocatalyst SN Applied Sciences 2020 2
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Graft modification of PVC with 1, 2, 4-triazole ring system for preparing flexible PVC materials AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2213
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Spectroscopic and Morphological Study of Irradiated PVC Films Doped with Polyphosphates Containing 4, 4'-Methylenedianiline Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 2020 93
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Inhibition of Corrosion: Mechanisms and Classifications in Overview Al-Qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science 2020 25
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Synthesis Liquid Membrane Electrodes of Cephalexin Hydrochloride Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 2020 11
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Stabilization of Poly (vinyl chloride) containing captopril tin complexes against degradation upon exposure to ultraviolet light Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology 2020 26
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Synthesis and use of carvedilol metal complexes as carbon dioxide storage media Applied Petrochemical Research 2020 10
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Enhancement of Photostabilization of Poly (vinyl chloride) Doped with Sulfadiazine Tin Complexes Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology 2020 26
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Tin Complexes Containing an Atenolol Moiety as Photostabilizers for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Polymers 2020 12
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Synthesis and Photophysical Study of Divalent Complexes of Chelating Schiff Base Baghdad Journal of Biochemistry and Applied Biological Sciences 2020 1
- أ.د. احمد عبد الرزاق احمد صالح العزاوي
Modification of poly (vinyl chloride) substrates via schiff's base for photochemical applications Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology 2020 26
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
Preparation and characterization of low cost adsorbents for the remove of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution by using adsorption technology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH 2020
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
Synthesis Liquid Membrane Electrodes of Cephalexin Hydrochloride Systematic Review Pharmacy 2020
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
Determination of drugs using ion selective electrodes depended on complex (drug- phosphotungestic acid) 2020
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
Potentiometric Determination of Chlordiazepoxide Using PVC and Carbon Paste Electrodes Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 2020 11
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
Poly (vinyl chloride) matrix membrane sensors for the quantification of cyclizine hydrochloride in pure and pharmaceutical preparations AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2213
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
Review on: TiO2 thin film as a metal oxide gas sensor Journal of Chemical Reviews 2020 2
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
Determination of trimethoprim by various analytical techniques- A- review 2020
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
A Review on: Molecularly Imprinting Polymers by Ion Selective Electrodes for Determination Drugs Journal of Chemical Review 2020 2
- أ.د. امينة محسن عباس
Review on spectroscopic analytical methods for determination of metformin hydrochloride 2020
- أ.د. تغريد علي سلمان صالح الجبوري
Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles as Corrosion Inhibitor of Stainless Steel in Saline Medium Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- أ.د. تغريد علي سلمان صالح الجبوري
Inhibition Studies of Aluminium alloy (2024) Corrosion in Acid Hydrochloride Solution Using an Expired Phenylphrine Drug Egyptian Journal of Chemistry 2020 63
- أ.د. تغريد علي سلمان صالح الجبوري
Electrophoresis Deposition of Tungsten oxide Nanoparticles for Corrosion Inhibition Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 1664
- أ.د. تغريد علي سلمان صالح الجبوري
Inhibition Effect of Hydrazine-Derived Coumarin on a Mild Steel Surface in Hydrochloric acid Tribologia-Finnish Journal of Tribology 2020 37
- أ.د. تغريد علي سلمان صالح الجبوري
Quantum chemical elucidation on corrosion inhibition efficiency of Schiff base: DFT investigations supported by weight loss and SEM techniques International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2020 15
- أ.د. تغريد علي سلمان صالح الجبوري
New environmental friendly corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution: Adsorption and thermal studies Cogent Engineering 2020 7
- أ.د. علاء حسين جواد حسين القيسي
Evaluation of Adipokines Concentration in Iraqi Patients with Major and Minor Beta Thalassemia Reports of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 2020 9
- أ.د. علاء حسين جواد حسين القيسي
Estimation the correlation between IL-6, TGF-β1 with increase Body mass index in adults in Babil province Iraq Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences 2020 2
- أ.د. عماد عبد الحسين يوسف السراج
Synthesis, characterization, properties, and use of new fusidate organotin complexes as additives to inhibit poly (vinyl chloride) photodegradation Journal of Polymer Research 2020 27
- أ.د. عماد عبد الحسين يوسف السراج
Influence of polyphosphates on the physicochemical properties of poly (vinyl chloride) after irradiation with ultraviolet light Polymers 2020 12
- أ.د. فراس عبد الله حسن علي الهذال
Antioxidant Enzymes Level Detection in Cisplatin Treated Iraqi Lung Cancer Patients and In vitro Estimating the Cytotoxic and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation in A549 Cell Line INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH 2020 11
- أ.د. مهدي صالح شهاب احمد الدليمي
Trials of treatments for COVID-19: Review of drugs are tested Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 1664
- أ.د. مهدي صالح شهاب احمد الدليمي
Study of Synergistic Effect of Some Pyrazole Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel in 1 MH 2 SO 4 Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 2020 56
- أ.د. مهدي صالح شهاب احمد الدليمي
Mechanism of corrosion protection in chloride solution by an apple-based green inhibitor: experimental and theoretical studies Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience 2020 1
- أ.د. نسرين رحيم جبر حسان الشويلي
Synthesis and Estimation of Biological Activity of New Oxazepine Derivatives INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH 2020 12
- أ.د. نسرين رحيم جبر حسان الشويلي
Synthesis, Characterization and Estimation the Biological Activity of New Mesomorphic Heterocyclic Compounds International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology 2020 10
- أ.د. نسرين رحيم جبر حسان الشويلي
Synthesis and Characterization of New Oxazepine Compounds and Estimation its Biological Activity Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- أ.م. اخلاص عبد الخضر سلمان الزبيدي
Synthesis and Photophysical Study of Divalent Complexes of Chelating Schiff Base BAGHDAD JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2020 1
- أ.م. اخلاص عبد الخضر سلمان الزبيدي
- أ.م. فرح مؤيد ابراهيم السامرائي
Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Studies of Cr (III), Co (II) and Ni (II) Complexes with Schiff Base International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020 11
- أ.م. فرح مؤيد ابراهيم السامرائي
Synthesis and Photophysical Study of Divalent Complexes of Chelating Schiff Base Baghdad Journal of Biochemistry and Applied Biological Sciences 2020 1
- أ.م. فرح مؤيد ابراهيم السامرائي
Synthesis, Characterization with Theoretical Study Pd (II), Ag (I) andCd (II) Complexesof 4-methylaminoantipyrin International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020
- أ.م. وداد حمد شعبان حسين الدهان
Moral Integration and Transparency as Cornerstone of Safety in Chemistry Laboratories International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 2020 24
- أ.م. وداد حمد شعبان حسين الدهان
- أ.م. وداد حمد شعبان حسين الدهان
Determination Of Heavy Metals In Natural Hair Dye Selected From Iraqi Plants Noble International Journal of Scientific Research 2020 4
- أ.م. وداد حمد شعبان حسين الدهان
A Case Report and Review: Be Aware to Avoid Accidents at Home Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology 2020 10
- أ.م. وداد حمد شعبان حسين الدهان
Lipsticks Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Used as Criminal Evidence Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 2020 14
- أ.م. وداد حمد شعبان حسين الدهان
Iraq Faces the COVID-19 with Limited Health Capabilities and Major Medical Challenges Latin American Journal of Biotechnology and Life Sciences 2020 5
- أ.م. وداد حمد شعبان حسين الدهان
Determination of Toxic Metals in Tobacco from Selected Imported Cigarette Brands and Local Tobacco in Iraqi Markets Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science 2020 25
- أ.م.د. اثيل حسن كاظم
The Green Synthesize of Zinc Oxide Catalyst Using Pomegranate Peels Extract for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye Baghdad Science Journal 2020 17
- أ.م.د. احمد صبيح مجيد العاني
Optimising the Properties of Polymer Brushes to Control Bacterial and Cell Growth Swinburne University of Technology 2020
- أ.م.د. اسماء يحيى ابراهيم رسول البياتي
The Effect of Temperature and Storage Time on the Concentration of Vitamin D in Human Serum Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 2020 11
- أ.م.د. بشائر عباس خضير
A new cyproheptadine PVC ion selective electrode and their applications in pharmaceutical preparations and human fluids Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- أ.م.د. حنان عبد اللطيف ابراهيم عباس الزبيدي
Enhancement of Photostabilization of Poly (vinyl chloride) Doped with Sulfadiazine Tin Complexes Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology 2020 26
- أ.م.د. زهراء صباح سعيد
The self–indicating preparation of bromoferrocenes from stannylferrocenes and an improved synthesis of di-iodoferrocene Heliyon 2020 6
- أ.م.د. زهراء صباح سعيد
Proline derived guanidine catalysts forge extensive H-bonded architectures: a solution and solid state study RSC Advances 2020 10
- أ.م.د. سحر سمير محمد العبد الله
Evidence supporting an emulsion polymerisation mechanism for the formation of polyaniline Electrochimica Acta 2020 254
- أ.م.د. سحر سمير محمد العبد الله
The effect of pH and hydrogen bond donor on the dissolution of metal oxides in deep eutectic solvents Green Chemistry 2020 22
- أ.م.د. سهاد عبد العزيز ابراهيم حسين ابراهيم
The relationship between Calcitonin and Creatine kinase levels in sera of newly diagnosed Iraqi patients with coronary artery disease International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 2020 24
- أ.م.د. سهاد عبد العزيز ابراهيم حسين ابراهيم
The Effect of Temperature and Storage Time on the Concentration of Vitamin D in Human Serum Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 2020 11
- أ.م.د. سهاد عبد العزيز ابراهيم حسين ابراهيم
Effect of herbicide (Pyroxsulam) on Nickle, Cadmium, Lead, and total Flavonoid levels of two Iraqi Wheat species EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 2020 14
- أ.م.د. سهاد عبد العزيز ابراهيم حسين ابراهيم
Various analytical methods for the determination of clarithromycin- A review International Journal of Research in Engineering 2020 4
- أ.م.د. سهاد عبد العزيز ابراهيم حسين ابراهيم
Different analytical methods for the determination of metronidazole –A review International Journal of Research in Engineering 2020 4
- أ.م.د. سهاد عبد العزيز ابراهيم حسين ابراهيم
The relationship between Calcitonin and Creatine kinase levels in sera of newly diagnosed Iraqi patients with coronary artery disease International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 2020 24
- أ.م.د. عمار جهاد صادق
Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Some Penicillin Derivatives ANJS 2020 23
- أ.م.د. عمار جهاد صادق
Synthesis of Binuclear Complexes of Cu (II), Ni (II) and Cr (III) Metal Ions Derived from Di-Imine Compound as Biterminal Binding Site Ligand ANJS 2020 23
- أ.م.د. فرح عقيل رشيد
- أ.م.د. فرح عقيل رشيد
Development of ZIC-HILIC Methods Using Ultraviolet Detection for determining 2-deoxyuridine in Human Serum Systematic Review Pharmacy 2020 11
- أ.م.د. فرح عقيل رشيد
Effect of Long-Term Moderate Physical Exercise on Irisin between Normal Weight and Obese Men The Scientific World Journal 2020 2020
- أ.م.د. محمد حسين علي المشهداني
An Overview of Possible Therapeutic Approaches Against Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 3
- أ.م.د. محمد حسين علي المشهداني
Letters in Applied NanoBioScience 2020
- أ.م.د. محمد حسين علي المشهداني
The Effect of UV Aging on the Structure of PVC in the Presence of Organotin (IV) Compounds Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
- أ.م.د. محمد حسين علي المشهداني
Article Review: Atenolol Importance as a Medication and in Industry Journal of university of Anbar for Pure science 2020 14
- أ.م.د. محمد حسين علي المشهداني
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Inhibition of Corrosion: Mechanisms and Classifications in Overview Al-Qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science 2020 25
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Eco-friendly green corrosion inhibitors in overview Research Journal in Advanced Sciences 2020 1
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Various analytical methods for the determination of clarithromycin- A review International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation 2020 4
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Determination of Sulfamethoxazole in Pure and Pharmaceutical Samples by Using Direct Method for Calibration Curve of Normal Spectrum of UV-Spectrophotometry Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
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Synthesis, Characterization with Theoretical Study Pd (II),Ag(I)andCd(II)Complexesof 4-methylaminoantipyrin International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020
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Synthesis and Study The Antioxidant Activities of Some Schiff Bases International Journal Of pharmaceutical Research 2020 12
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A study of apelin-36 and GST levels with their relationship to lipid and other biochemical parameters in the prediction of heart diseases in PCOS women patients Baghdad Science Journal 2020 17
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Approximate Solution of Multi-Term Fractional Order Delay Differential Equations Using Homotopy Perturbation Method Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
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Approximate Solution of Multi-Term Fractional Order Delay Differential Equations Using Homotopy Perturbation Method Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2020 23
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Iteration Variational Method for Solving Two-Dimensional Partial Integro-Differential Equations Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 1591
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Correction to Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2020 60
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The full general version of mixing maps between arbitrary sets arXiv:2007.06387v1 2020
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Computations of Lipschitz summing norms and applications Colloquium Mathematicum 2020
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Interpolative Lipschitz ideals Colloquium Mathematicum 2020 163
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Subdiffusion of Particles with a Nonlinear Interaction and Cell-Cell Adhesion Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 2020
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Fredholm theory of Toeplitz operators on doubling Fock Hilbert spaces Mathematica Scandinavica 2020
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قسم الفيزياء الطبية
اسم الباحث عنوان البحث اسم المجلة سنة النشر رقم المجلد
- أ.د. علاء جبار غزاي سيد الموسوي
Investigation of some physical properties of Mn doped ZnS nano thin films AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2213
- أ.د. علاء جبار غزاي سيد الموسوي
Effect of Li doping on structure and optical properties of NiO nano thin-films by SPT AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2213
- أ.د. علاء جبار غزاي سيد الموسوي
Al0.08In0.08Ga0.84N/Aln/Si (111) Prepared Via Plasma Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy (PA-MBE) Based Hydrogen Gas Sensor International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.- 2020 29
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Synthesis of TiO2NPs with agricultural waste for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 1660
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Determination of Toxic Metals in Tobacco from Selected Imported Cigarette Brands and Local Tobacco in Iraqi Markets: TOXIC METALS DETERMINATION OF TOBACCO Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science [SQUJS] 2020 25
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Lipsticks Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Used as Criminal Evidence. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 2020 14
- أ.م.د. حسن ناصر هاشم حسن البطاط
Ice rock-resembling PHB thin films doped with TiO 2 NPs as photocatalyst SN Applied Sciences 2020 2
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Incorporation of Iraqi Rocks in the Production of Eco-Friendly Cement Mortar Engineering and Technology Journal 2020 38
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Synthesis and variable temperature NMR study of glucose based 1, 2, 3-triazole AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 2290
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Strategies for Fine-Tuning the Conformations of Cyclic Peptides Chemical Reviews 2020 120
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Two new nova shells associated with V4362 Sagittarii and DO Aquilae Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2020 499
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Synthesis, characterisation, thermal properties and biological activity of coordination compounds of novel selenosemicarbazone ligands Journal of Molecular Structure 2020 1208
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Investigating the effect of Lymnaea auricularia (snail) powder on different species of pathogenic bacteria medico-legal update 2020 20
قسم التحليلات المرضية التطبيقية
اسم الباحث عنوان البحث اسم المجلة سنة النشر رقم المجلد
- أ.م.د. خولة عبد الكريم كسار
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Study of Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentanoic Acid Effects on Some Biochemical Parameters in Epileptic patients Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2020 13
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Relation between the Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AGTR1)-521C/T Gene Polymorphism and Blood Pressure Prensa Med Argent 2020 106
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Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Activities of Lantadene A-Loaded Gold Nanoparticles (LA-AuNPS) in MCF-7 Cell Line: An in vitro Assessment International Journal of Toxicology 2020 39

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